OCLEAN Electric Flow Blue electric toothbrush, 1 pcs.
OCLEAN Electric Flow Blue electric toothbrush, 1 pcs.
40.79 €
50.99 €
Regular price: 50.99 €
40.79 €
50.99 €
An effective toothbrush for all smiles. And yes, even for sensitive teeth.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Extra long battery life.
A single charge provides more than 180 days of cleaning power.
- 38,000 rpm: powerful but gentle. An effective toothbrush for all smiles. And yes, even for sensitive teeth.
- 5 modes for your personal brushing routine:
Morning mode. For excellent cleaning. Brush cleaning intensity: ★★★
Night mode. For deep and thorough cleaning. Cleaning intensity: ★★★★★
Standard cleaning mode. For daily general cleaning. Cleaning intensity: ★★★★
Whitening mode. For a naturally whiter smile. Cleaning intensity: ★★★★
Gentle mode. For those with sensitive gums. Cleaning intensity: ★★
IPX7 waterproof.
Provides hassle-free rinsing in water and ready for use in the shower.
Trust Sonic's speed.
Oclean Flow charges to full in 8.5 hours.
OCLEAN Electric Flow Blue elektriskā zobu birste, 1 gab.
<div>Īpaši ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks.</div>
<div>Viena uzlāde nodrošina vairāk nekā 180 dienu ilgu tīrīšanas jaudu.<br /><br /></div>
<ul><li><strong>38 000 apgriezieni minūtē: j</strong>audīgs, bet saudzīgs. Efektīva zobu birste visiem smaidiem. Un jā, pat jutīgiem zobiem.</li>
<li><strong>5 režīmi jūsu personīgajai zobu tīrīšanas rutīnai:</strong></li>
</ul><div><strong>Rīta režīms. </strong>Lieliskai tīrīšanai. Sukas tīrīšanas intensitāte: ★★★</div>
<div><strong>Nakts režīms. </strong>Padziļinātai un rūpīgai tīrīšanai. Tīrīšanas intensitāte: ★★★★★</div>
<div><strong>Standarta tīrīšanas režīms. </strong>Ikdienas vispārējai tīrīšanai. Tīrīšanas intensitāte: ★★★★</div>
<div><strong>Balināšanas režīms. </strong>Dabiski baltākam smaidam. Tīrīšanas intensitāte: ★★★★</div>
<div><strong>Maigais režīms. </strong>Tiem, kam ir jutīgas smaganas. Tīrīšanas intensitāte: ★★<br /><br /></div>
<div><strong>IPX7 ūdensizturīga.</strong></div>
<div><strong>Nodrošina bezrūpīgu </strong>noskalošanu ūdenī un gatavību lietošanai dušā.</div>
<div><br /><strong>Uzticieties Sonic ātrumam.</strong></div>
<div><strong>Oclean Flow pilnībā uzlādējas 8,5 stundās.</strong></div>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Elektriskās zobu birstes
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