ORAL-B Vitality Pro Protect X Clean Vapor Blue electric toothbrush, 1 pcs.
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ORAL-B Vitality Pro Protect X Clean Vapor Blue electric toothbrush, 1 pcs.

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Regular price: 43.99 €
35.19 €
43.99 €
The Oral-B Vitality Pro electric toothbrush is clinically proven to deliver better results than a standard manual toothbrush. The toothbrush has 3 cleaning modes: for daily cleaning, for sensitive teeth and incredibly gentle brushing for especially sensitive teeth. The timer built into the handle helps you brush your teeth for the 2 minutes recommended by dentists. Plus, it's powered by Oral-B, the leading brand used by dentists around the world.
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The Oral-B Vitality Pro rechargeable electric toothbrush delivers clinically proven results over a standard manual toothbrush. The toothbrush has 3 cleaning modes: for daily cleaning, for sensitive teeth and incredibly gentle brushing for especially sensitive teeth. The timer built into the handle helps you brush your teeth for the 2 minutes recommended by dentists. Plus, it's powered by Oral-B, the leading brand used by dentists around the world. Features and Benefits 1 An essential toothbrush for better and gentler cleaning Features and Benefits 2 Oral-B's unique 2D cleaning technology: oscillates and rotates to remove up to 100% more plaque than a manual toothbrush Features and Benefits 3 3 cleaning modes: daily cleaning, for sensitive teeth and a unique mode for extra sensitive teeth for an amazingly gentle sensation Features and Benefits 4 The round, dentist-recommended toothbrush head provides a deep clean while being gentle on the gums Features and Benefits 5 Rechargeable toothbrush with a convenient, long-lasting battery Features and Benefits 6 The Oral-B toothbrush head changes color from green to yellow to indicate it's time to change the head to maintain 100% cleaning efficiency Features and Benefits 7 Contents: 1 handle with 2 minute timer, 1 charger, 1 toothbrush head Features and Benefits 8 Oral-B is the no. 1 brand most used by dentists worldwide based on clinically proven results

1149729 ORAL-B Vitality Pro Protect X Clean Vapor Blue elektriskā zobu birste, 1 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/oral-b-el-z-b-vitality-pro-protectxclean-n1-1149729 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/e6/c3/55915f8070077ec6178289a5a932.png InStock 35.19 EUR ORAL-B 43.99 <p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Oral-B Vitality Pro elektriskā zobu birste nodrošina klīniski pierādītus labākus rezultātus nekā standarta manuālā zobu birste. Zobu birstei ir 3 tīrīšanas režīmi: ikdienas tīrīšanai, jutīgiem zobiem un īpašu jutīgiem zobiem neticami maigai zobu tīrīšanai. Rokturī iebūvētais taimeris palīdz tīrīt zobus zobārstu ieteiktās 2 minūtes. Turklāt to nodrošina Oral-B — vadošais zīmols, ko lieto zobārsti visā pasaulē. Features and Benefits 1 Svarīga zobu birste labākai un maigākai tīrīšanai Features and Benefits 2 Unikālā Oral-B 2D tīrīšanas tehnoloģija: oscilē un rotē, lai noņemtu līdz pat 100 % vairāk aplikuma, salīdzinājumā ar manuālo zobu birsti Features and Benefits 3 3 tīrīšanas režīmi: ikdienas tīrīšana, jutīgiem zobiem un unikālais režīms īpaši jutīgiem zobiem pārsteidzoši maigai sajūtai Features and Benefits 4 Apaļais, zobārstu ieteikumiem veidotais zobu birstes uzgalis nodrošina dziļu tīrīšanu, vienlaikus saudzējot smaganas Features and Benefits 5 Oral-B zobu birstes uzgalis maina krāsu no zaļas līdz dzeltenai, lai norādītu, ka pienācis laiks mainīt uzgali, lai saglabātu 100 % tīrīšanas efektivitāti Features and Benefits 6 Saturs: 1 rokturis ar 2 minūšu taimeri, 1 lādētājs, 1 zobu birstes uzgalis Features and Benefits 7 Oral-B ir vadošais zobu birstu zīmols, ko visvairāk lieto zobārsti visā pasaulē. Klīniski apstiprināta tīrīšana</span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Elektriskās zobu birstes 20