PHARMACERIS H-Purin Special shampoo, 250 ml
5.0 5 (6 reviews)

PHARMACERIS H-Purin Special shampoo, 250 ml

5.0 5 (6 reviews)
13.64 €
5.46 €/Ml
Regular price: 19.49 €
19.49 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-31
The shampoo is intended for washing the scalp in case of various types of dandruff (dry, oily), itching, irritation and flaking.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The shampoo is intended for washing the scalp in case of various types of dandruff (dry, oily), itching, irritation and flaking.

The shampoo can also be used to prevent dandruff. Effects: Scalpshield formula restores and maintains the balance of the microbiome and physiological pH of the scalp, effectively reduces the symptoms of dandruff and prevents their recurrence. Octopirox and Ciclopirox Olamine inhibit the growth of microorganisms that cause the symptoms of dandruff to worsen and control seborrhea to prevent excessive oiliness of the hair. Allantoin and aloe soothe irritation, redness and itching.

1164389 PHARMACERIS H-Purin Special šampūns, 250 ml InStock 19.49 EUR PHARMACERIS 19.49 <div class="info-short-description">Šampūns ir paredzēts galvas ādas mazgāšanai dažādu blaugznu (sausu, taukainu), niezes, kairinājuma un zvīņošanās gadījumā.</div> <p><br />Šampūnu var lietot arī blaugznu profilaksei. Iedarbība: Scalpshield formula atjauno un uztur galvas ādas mikrobioma un fizioloģiska pH balansu, efektīvi mazina blaugznu simptomus un novērš to atkārtošanos. Octopirox un Ciclopirox Olamine kavē tādu mikroorganismu vairošanos, kas rada blaugznu simptomu saasināšanos, un kontrolē seboreju, lai novērstu matu pārmērīgu taukošanos. Alantoīns un alveja nomierina kairinājumu, apsārtumu un niezi.  </p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Pretblaugznu šampūni 0 For women, For men