PULSAAR Beige S/M Waist orthosis, 1
4.0 4 (1 review)

PULSAAR Beige S/M Waist orthosis, 1

4.0 4 (1 review)
48.99 €
The Germanium Lumbar Orthosis for Circulation is made of innovative fibers that work by stimulating local circulation, speeding up recovery and reducing fatigue in the lower back.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
  • Breathable fabric
  • Non-restrictive wear
  • Enhanced performance optimal support

The Circulation Germanium Waist and Lumbar Sleeve is comprised of innovative fibers that work to stimulate local blood circulation, accelerate recovery and relieve fatigue in the lower back. The sleeve keeps the waist and lumbar area warm while graduated compression massages the area to relieve soreness and boost recovery. Thanks to three-dimensional weaving techniques the sleeve is flexible, breathable and unrestrictive during physical activity, while the light and soft material make it comfortable to wear underneath clothing. The sleeve is especially designed for people with lower back pain and stiff lumbar vertebrae.

1145590 PULSAAR Bēša S/M Jostas ortoze, 1 https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/pulsaar-beige-s-m-waist-orthosis-1-1145590 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/16/74/c5a7bbfe683fcf8bcbaf783cd9dc.png InStock 48.99 EUR PULSAAR 48.99 <ul><li>Elpojošs audums</li> <li>Neierobežo kustības valkāšanas laikā</li> <li>Nodrošina labāku fizisko sniegumu</li> </ul><p>Germānija jostas vietas ortoze asinsritei ir izgatavota no novatoriskām šķiedrām, kas iedarbojas, stimulējot lokālo asinsriti, paātrinot atlabšanu un mazinot nogurumu muguras lejasdaļā. Ortoze uztur siltumu jostas zonā, bet dažādas pakāpes kompresija nodrošina šīs zonas masāžu, lai mazinātu sāpes un paātrinātu atlabšanu. Pateicoties trīsdimensiju aušanas tehnikai, ortoze ir elastīga, elpojoša un neierobežojoša fizisko aktivitāšu laikā, bet vieglais un mīkstais materiāls padara to ērti valkājamu zem apģērba. Ortoze ir īpaši paredzēta cilvēkiem ar sāpēm muguras lejasdaļā un stīviem jostas vietas skriemeļiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Ortopēdiskās preces 0 For men