PULSAAR Black M size seamless compression socks, 1 pcs.
PULSAAR Black M size seamless compression socks, 1 pcs.
29.99 €
29.99 €
The Seamless Circulation socks are made from a 3D textile that contains an additional dimension in its thickness layer, allowing for a unique weave that provides graduated compression to perfectly fit the distinct characteristics of the feet and ankles.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
- Three dimension textile
- Breathable fabric
- Moisture-absorbing
The Seamless Circulation socks are made from a 3D textile that contains an additional dimension in its thickness layer, allowing for a unique weave that provides graduated compression to perfectly fit the distinct characteristics of the feet and ankles. The resulting fabric is sleek, breathable and embedded with carbon and germanium semi-conductor elements that contribute to the overall well-being of the foot muscles and joints. Beyond this, the fabric’s moisture-absorbing and deodorizing properties ensure that the Seamless Circulation Socks will keep your feet comfortable.
PULSAAR Melnas M izm. bezšuvju kompresijas zeķes, 1 gab.
<ul><li> Trīsdimensionāls tekstils</li>
<li> Elpojošs audums</li>
<li> Uzsūc mitrumu</li>
</ul><p>Bezšuvju zeķes asins cirkulācijai ir izgatavotas no 3D auduma, kas ietver papildu dimensiju, tā dodot iespēju izgatavot unikālu austu materiālu, kas garantē dažādas pakāpes kompresiju, lai izcili piegultu pēdas un potītes specifiskajai formai. Iegūtais audums ir gluds, elpojošs, un tajā ir iestrādāti oglekļa un germānija pusvadītāja elementi, kas sekmē pēdas muskuļu un locītavu vispārējā stāvokļa uzlabošanu. Turklāt auduma mitrumu absorbējošās un dezodorējošās īpašības nozīmē, ka bezšuvju zeķes asins cirkulācijai vienmēr nodrošina pēdu komfortu.</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Ortopēdiskās preces
For men