PULSAAR C-FIT black XL size back support, 1 pcs.
5.0 5 (2 reviews)

PULSAAR C-FIT black XL size back support, 1 pcs.

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
98.99 €
The Back Support C-Fit relieves back pain through the use of a two-layer flexible strap system.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
  • Back Support
  • Relieves back pain
  • Improves blood flow

The Back Support C-Fit relieves back pain through the use of a two-layer flexible strap system. The first strap layer provides support to your waist, while the second forms a compression to ensure comfortable positioning. The belt can be worn for up to 10 hours during the day or night thanks to its moisture-absorbing and breathable fabric that ensures a sweat-free, comfortable experience. With bamboo charcoal and germanium particles embedded in the fabric, the C-Fit support stimulates local blood circulation, promotes cell recovery and relieves chronic fatigue. Beyond this, four soft, plastic supports positioned on the back improve blood flow to the area and relieve pain faster. The versatile design makes it the perfect support for a number of activities from sitting in an office chair to working out, and many other athletic endeavors.

1145586 PULSAAR C-FIT melns XL izm. muguras balsts, 1 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/pulsaar-c-fit-black-xl-size-back-support-1-pcs-1145586 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/6a/8e/1c0a0b4b050608719f64ba937425.png InStock 98.99 EUR PULSAAR 98.99 <ul><li>Muguras atbalsts</li> <li>Atvieglo muguras sāpes</li> <li>Veicina lokālu asinsriti</li> </ul><p>Muguras balsts C-Fit atvieglo sāpes mugurā, pateicoties divslāņu elastīgajai siksnu sistēmai. Pirmais siksnu slānis nodrošina atbalstu jostas vietai, bet otrais slānis rada kompresiju ērtam novietojumam. Dienas vai nakts laikā jostu var valkāt pat 10 stundas, pateicoties tās mitrumu absorbējošajam un elpojošajam audumam, kas garantē ērtību un neizraisa svīšanu. Pateicoties audumā iestrādātajām bambusa kokogļu un germānija daļiņām, balsts C-Fit stimulē lokālo asinsriti, veicina šūnu atjaunošanos un mazina hronisku nogurumu. Papildus tam četri mīksti plastmasas balsti, kas novietoti uz muguras, uzlabo asins plūsmu šajā zonā un ātrāk mazina sāpes. Universālais dizains padara šo izstrādājumu par lielisku balstu dažādu aktivitāšu laikā, sākot no sēdēšanas biroja krēslā un beidzot ar daudzām citām fiziskām vai sportiskām aktivitātēm.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Ortopēdiskās preces 0 For men