PULSAAR L Open Finger Recovery Black gloves, 1 pair
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PULSAAR L Open Finger Recovery Black gloves, 1 pair

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20.99 €
2 099.00 €/Pair
Regular price: 27.99 €
27.99 €
The Open Finger Recovery Gloves are created from innovative fibers embedded with bamboo charcoal and germanium particles that are designed to stimulate local blood circulation and relieve pain from repetitive strain injuries.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
  • Relieves discomfort related to arthritis and joint pain
  • Provides a soft, soothing warmth

The Open Finger Recovery Gloves are created from innovative fibers embedded with bamboo charcoal and germanium particles that are designed to stimulate local blood circulation and relieve pain from repetitive strain injuries. They form a mild compression that helps to stabilize the muscles in the hand and decrease swelling without being restrictive. The gloves are made from lightweight, breathable fabrics making them suitable for daily use and relieving the discomfort caused by arthritis and other forms of joint pain. Thanks to an open-finger design, the gloves allow the user touch and grip as they normally would and can be worn during a variety of activities.

1145600 PULSAAR L Melni Atvērtu Pirkstu Atjaunošanās cimdi, 1 pāris https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/pulsaar-l-open-finger-recovery-black-gloves-1-pcs-1145600 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/f9/cf/7989e511fcac44137b3c8f63b00e.png InStock 27.99 EUR PULSAAR 27.99 <ul><li>Mazina artrīta radīto diskomfortu</li> <li>Mazina locītavu sāpju radīto diskomfortu</li> <li>Rada patīkamu remdējošu siltuma sajūtu</li> </ul><p>Atvērtu pirkstu atjaunošanās cimdi ir izgatavoti no novatoriskām šķiedrām, kurās iestrādātas bambusa kokogles un germānija daļiņas, ar kurām ir paredzēts stimulēt asinsriti un mazināt atkārtotu sastiepumu radītās sāpes. Tiem ir viegla kompresijas iedarbība, kas palīdz stabilizēt rokas muskuļus un samazināt pietūkumu, neierobežojot kustības. Cimdi ir izgatavoti no vieglām, elpojošām šķiedrām, kas padara tos piemērotus ikdienas lietojumam un tāda diskomforta mazināšanai, ko izraisa artrīts un cita veida locītavu sāpes. Pateicoties atvērto pirkstu dizainam, lietotājs var izmantot pirkstus, lai pieskartos lietām un satvertu tās kā parasti, un šos cimdus var uzvilkt dažādu aktivitāšu laikā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Ortopēdiskās preces 0 For men