SILVANOLS Premium Resveratrol Complex capsules, 60 pcs.

SILVANOLS Premium Resveratrol Complex capsules, 60 pcs.

15.65 €
Expiration date: 2026-09-30
A powerful combination of antioxidants with a wide range of health benefits. The product contains a particularly powerful combination of antioxidants - resveratrol, together with grape seed and olive fruit polyphenols.
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Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

It contains a particularly powerful combination of antioxidants - resveratrol, together with polyphenols from grape seed and olive fruit.
Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant found in highest concentrations in red grapes and their products (wine and juice). Resveratrol is synthesised by plants as a natural protective response against external harmful factors (viruses, fungi, bacteria) or ultraviolet radiation. As a powerful antioxidant, resveratrol has the ability to neutralise free radicals formed in the body, which accelerate ageing and can create the environment for the development of various diseases.
Polyphenols from grape seeds and olive fruit are also powerful antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage.
Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation caused by increased oxidative stress are the cause of many chronic diseases. Enriching your diet with antioxidants of plant origin provides a number of health benefits.

More about this product
1145904 SILVANOLS Premium Resveratrol Complex kapsulas, 60 gab. InStock 15.65 EUR SILVANOLS 26.09 <p>Produkts satur īpaši spēcīgu antioksidantu kombināciju – resveratrolu, kopā ar vīnogu sēklu un olīvu augļu polifenoliem.<br />Resveratrols – dabas vielu antioksidants, kurš vislielākā koncentrācijā ir sarkanajās vīnogās un tās produktos (vīns un sula). Resveratrolu augi sintezē kā dabisku aizsargreakciju pret ārējiem kaitīgiem faktoriem (vīrusiem, sēnītēm, baktērijām) vai ultravioleto starojumu. Resveratrolam, kā spēcīgam antioksidantam, piemīt spēja neitralizēt organismā izveidojušos brīvos radikālus, kuri paātrina novecošanos un var veidot vidi dažādu slimību attīstībai.<br />Arī vīnogu sēklu un olīvu augļu polifenoli ir spēcīgi antioksidanti, kas aizsargā šūnas no oksidatīviem bojājumiem.<br />Oksidatīvais stress un paaugstināta oksidatīvā stresa izraisīts hronisks iekaisums ir daudzu hronisku slimību cēlonis. Bagātinot savu uzturu ar augu izcelsmes antioksidantiem, tiek nodrošinātas vairākas labvēlīgas ietekmes uz veselību.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas 40