LIFESTYLES Skyn Extra Lubricate condoms, 10 pcs.
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LIFESTYLES Skyn Extra Lubricate condoms, 10 pcs.

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14.99 €
Expiration date: 2029-05-31
Lifestyles Skyn Extra lubricated condoms made from thin and durable polyisopropene with additional lubricant for double-lasting intimacy and tenderness.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Lifestyles Skyn ​​Extra lubricated condoms made from thin and durable polyisopropene with additional lubricant for double-lasting intimacy and tenderness. Suitable for people with latex allergies.
The scientifically formulated, latex-free polyisopropene material is extra thin, durable and almost intangible, delivering a natural “skyn-to-skyn” feel. Condoms with an extra smooth lubricant provide up to 40% longer lasting enjoyment. The material is suitable for those with sensitive and allergic skin.
Give yourself and your partner an unforgettable quality and longer intimacy and pleasure with Lifestyles Skyn ​​Extra lubricated condoms! Correct condom use reduces the risk of conception and many sexually transmitted diseases.

1037917 LIFESTYLES Skyn Extra Lubricate prezervatīvi, 10 gab. InStock 14.99 EUR LIFESTYLES 14.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Lifestyles prezervatīvi Skyn Extra lubricated no plāna un izturīga poliizoprēna materiāla ar papildus lubrikāciju divreiz ilgākai tuvībai un maigumam. Piemērots cilvēkiem ar alerģiju pret lateksu.<br />Zinātniskas formulas poliizoprēna materiāls nesatur lateksu un ir īpaši plāns un noturīgs, sniedzot dabiskas “skyn-to-skyn” izjūtas un piemērots jutīgas un alerģiskas ādas īpašniekiem. Prezervatīvs ar īpaši gludo lubrikantu nodrošina par 40 % ilgāku un noturīgāku baudu.<br />Sniedziet sev un savam partnerim neaizmirstami kvalitatīvu un teju divrezi ilgāku baudu un tuvību ar Lifestyles prezervatīviem Skyn Extra lubricated. Pareiza prezervatīva izmantošana samazina apaugļošanās un daudzu seksuāli transmisīvo slimību risku.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Kontracepcija/Prezervatīvi 0