THERAFLU NT sachets, 6 pcs.
Unreasonable use of medicines is harmful to health! Carefully read the instructions for use or relevant information on the package! Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about using the medicine.

THERAFLU NT sachets, 6 pcs.

8.19 €
Expiration date: 2027-06-30
Theraflu NT, powder for oral solution.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Theraflu NT, powder for oral solution is used to relieve symptoms of colds and flu such as: pain, fever, nasal and sinus congestion, cough, runny nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes. For the relief of symptoms of colds and flu. It is taken before bedtime and / or at night. For adults and adolescents over 16 years old. Theraflu NT can be taken as needed together with Theraflu ND. Read the package leaflet carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. The patient should see a doctor if symptoms persist for more than three days or worsen.

More about this product
120495 THERAFLU NT paciņas, 6 gab. InStock 8.19 EUR THERAFLU 8.19 <p style="text-align:justify;">Theraflu NT pulveri iekšķīgi lietojama šķīduma pagatavošanai lieto saaukstēšanās un gripas simptomu, tādu kā sāpes, drudzis, deguna un deguna blakusdobumu aizlikums, klepus, iesnas un šķaudīšana, acu nieze un asarošana, atvieglošanai. Saaukstēšanās un gripas simptomu atvieglošanai. Jālieto pirms iemigšanas vai/un naktī. Pieaugušajiem un pusaudžiem no 16 gadu vecuma. Theraflu NT var lietot kopā ar Theraflu ND, ja nepieciešams. Uzmanīgi izlasīt lietošanas instrukciju. Ja nepieciešama papildus informācija vai padoms, vaicāt ārstam vai farmaceitam. Ja simptomi turpinās ilgāk par 3 dienām vai tie pastiprinās, pacientam jākonsultējas ar ārstu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Saaukstēšanās/Saaukstēšanās simptomi 0 Dextromethorphani hydrobromidum, Dextromethorphani hydrobromidum, Acidum ascorbicum, Triprolidini hydrochloridum