VICHY Dercos Neogenic shampoo, 200 ml
5.0 5 (5 reviews)

VICHY Dercos Neogenic shampoo, 200 ml

5.0 5 (5 reviews)
20.49 €
Expiration date: 2027-03-31
Shampoo for volume.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Dercos Neogenic shampoo for hair volume. Visibly improves the condition of the hair in 5 evaluation parameters (volume, strength, structure, density and durability).

Beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp. Combining dermatological and cosmetic knowledge, Vichy created DERCOS, the first hair care line for hair health and beauty. Based on dermatological experience, DERCOS focused on creating hair care products that primarily care for the scalp. INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE and INNOVATION are at the heart of the development of DERCOS laboratories. Aminexil was created here - a proven molecule against hair loss; Selenium Disulfide, which provides 100% effectiveness against dandruff, has been studied; Stemoxidine, which stimulates hair growth. Each DERCOS product contains not only an effective combination of active ingredients for a specific scalp and / or problem, but also Vichy thermal water, rich in 15 valuable minerals with unique skin firming and rejuvenating properties. Dercos Neogenic shampoo to increase hair density and volume contains the patented Stemoxidine - an active molecule that improves the supply of oxygen to hair follicle cells. The shampoo has a particularly light texture, it does not make the hair heavy. After the first use, the feeling that the hair has increased, it is light, shiny and well styled. Suitable for people with sensitive scalp. Does not contain silicone, dyes.

1221312 VICHY Dercos Neogenic šampūns, 200 ml InStock 20.49 EUR VICHY 20.49 <p style="text-align:justify;">Dercos Neogenic šampūns matu apjomam. Redzami uzlabo matu stāvokli 5 novērtēšanas parametros (apjoms, stiprums, struktūra, blīvums un izturība).<br /><br />Skaisti mati sākas ar veselu galvas ādu. Apvienojot dermatoloģiskās un kosmētiskās zināšanas, Vichy radīja DERCOS, pirmo matu kopšanas līniju matu veselībai un skaistumam. Balstoties uz dermatoloģisko pieredzi, DERCOS mērķtiecīgi pievērsās tādu matu kopšanas produktu radīšanai, kas, pirmkārt, rūpējas par galvas ādu. NOVATORISMS, ZINĀSANAS un INOVĀCIJAS ir DERCOS laboratoriju attīstības pamatā. Te radīts Aminexil — pierādīta molekula pret matu izkrišanu; izpētīts Selenium Disulfide, kas nodrošina 100 % efektivitāti pret blaugznām; Stemoxidine, kas stimulē matu augšanu. Ikviens DERCOS produkts satur ne tikai efektīvu aktīvo vielu kombināciju konkrētai galvas ādas un/vai problēmai, bet arī Vichy termālo ūdeni, kas bagāts ar 15 vērtīgiem minerāliem, kam piemīt unikālas ādu nostiprinošas un atjaunojošas īpašības. Dercos Neogenic šampūns matu blīvuma un apjoma palielināšanai satur patentēto Stemoxidine — aktīvo molekulu, kas uzlabo mata folikula šūnu apgādi ar skābekli. Šampūnam ir īpaši viegla tekstūra, tas nepadara matus smagus. Jau pēc pirmās lietošanas reizes sajūta, ka matu apjoms ir palielinājies, tie ir viegli, mirdzoši un labi ieveidojami. Piemērots cilvēkiem ar jutīgu galvas ādu. Nesatur silikonu, krāsvielas.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Pret matu izkrišanu 0 For women, For men