VICTORIA BEAUTY 1,2,3! Curls! for Curly Hair lotion, 150 ml
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VICTORIA BEAUTY 1,2,3! Curls! for Curly Hair lotion, 150 ml

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9.74 €
Expiration date: 2026-09-30
The product helps you achieve bouncy, full, and lively curls that wow with shine as it magics out frizz and evens out hair texture.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The product helps you achieve bouncy, full, and lively curls that wow with shine as it magics out frizz and evens out hair texture. The heat protection ingredient in the lotion is clinically proven to reduce damage and moisture loss during styling with heating tools. Enriched with triple protein for triple power, and fig and coconut extracts

1144872 VICTORIA BEAUTY 1,2,3! Curls! for Curly Hair losjons, 150 ml InStock 9.74 EUR VICTORIA BEAUTY 12.99 <p>Produkts palīdz iegūt stingras, kuplas un dzīvīgas lokas, kas pārsteidz ar spīdumu, jo losjons veido lokas un izlīdzina matu tekstūru. Klīniski pierādīts, ka losjona karstuma aizsardzības sastāvdaļa samazina bojājumus un mitruma zudumus veidošanas laikā. Bagātināts ar trīskāršiem proteīniem trīskāršam spēkam ar vīģu, kokosriekstu ekstraktiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 25 For women