VICTORIA BEAUTY Detox Extra Moisturizing face cream, 50 ml
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VICTORIA BEAUTY Detox Extra Moisturizing face cream, 50 ml

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6.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-08-30
Moisturizing face cream with collagen, hyaluronic acid and "super food" complex.
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It is a universal cosmetic product carefully designed to care for the skin of 30-45 year olds.

Enriched with collagen and patented, clinically proven, high-tech hyaluronic acid - Cube3, the product has an intensive moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. A cocktail of three superfoods (green tea, cocoa and coconut) and a combination of antioxidants and vitamins (vitamins A, B5 and E) instantly restore, detoxify and brighten the skin.

Contains UVA and UVB filters. Contains benzophenone-3.

1148782 VICTORIA BEAUTY Detox Extra Moisturizing sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 6.99 EUR VICTORIA BEAUTY 9.99 <p>Tas ir universāls kosmētikas līdzeklis, kas rūpīgi izstrādāts, lai rūpētos par 30-45 gadus vecu cilvēku ādu.</p><p>Bagātināts ar kolagēnu un patentētu, klīniski pierādītu, augsto tehnoloģiju hialuronskābi - Cube3, produktam ir intensīva mitrinoša un atjaunojoša iedarbība. Trīs superproduktu kokteilis (zaļā tēja, kakao un kokosrieksts) un antioksidantu un vitamīnu kombinācija (A, B5 un E vitamīns) uzreiz atjauno, detoksikē un padara ādu gaišāku.</p><p>Satur UVA un UVB filtrus. Satur benzofenonu-3.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 30 For women, For men