BABE Pediatric cream, 100 ml

BABE Pediatric cream, 100 ml
13.79 €
13.79 €/Ml
13.79 €
Expiration date: 2027-09-30
Water-based paste that protects, soothes and repairs babies’ and children’s skin. With a lightweight texture for easy application, this cream is specially recommended for treating and preventing nappy rash. The formula is enriched with plant oils that moisturise and regenerate the skin.Water-based paste that protects, soothes and repairs babies’ and children’s skin. With a lightweight texture for easy application, this cream is specially recommended for treating and preventing nappy rash. The formula is enriched with plant oils that moisturise and regenerate the skin.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Water-based paste that protects, soothes and repairs babies’ and children’s skin. With a lightweight texture for easy application, this cream is specially recommended for treating and preventing nappy rash. The formula is enriched with plant oils that moisturise and regenerate the skin.Water-based paste that protects, soothes and repairs babies’ and children’s skin. With a lightweight texture for easy application, this cream is specially recommended for treating and preventing nappy rash. The formula is enriched with plant oils that moisturise and regenerate the skin.
BABE Pediatric krēms, 100 ml
<p style="text-align:justify;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Pasargā mazuļa jutīgo autiņbiksīšu zonu, acumirklī mazina kairinājumu un atjauno ādu, veicinot tās dabisko reģenerāciju.
Jauna formula ar vispusīgu iedarbību:
Efektīvs, absorbējošs aizsargslānis, kas pasargā ādu no kairinātājiem.
Neitralizē urīna un fēču fermentatīvo iedarbību.
Atjauno ādas pH līmeni un kavē mikrobu vairošanos.
Padara ādu elastīgu un mīkstu, saglabājot to mitru.
Turklāt produkts nebloķē ādu, ļaujot tai elpot un saglabājot autiņbiksīšu zonu ideāli sausu.
Bez konservantiem. Var lietot visa ģimene, dažāda veida iekaisumiem.</span><br></p>
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