BEOTEBAL 10 mg pills, 30 pcs.
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BEOTEBAL 10 mg pills, 30 pcs.

21.32 €
Expiration date: 2025-09-30
Used to treat biotin deficiency in adults.
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BEOTEBAL belongs to the group of vitamin preparations.

It is used to treat biotin deficiency in adults.

Biotin deficiency can cause the following symptoms: fatigue, paresthesia (an abnormal sensation in the skin with symptoms such as tingling, pricking, freezing, burning, numbness), thinning hair, hair loss, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin, usually manifested by itching and redness) around the eyes , nose, mouth, ears and groin, conjunctivitis (eye inflammation that makes the eyes pink or red), nail and hair growth disorders and excessive fragility.

More about this product
1039099 BEOTEBAL 10 mg tabletes, 30 gab. InStock 21.32 EUR BEOTEBAL 21.32 <p>BEOTEBAL ietilpst vitamīnu preparātu grupā.</p> <p>To lieto biotīna deficīta ārstēšanai pieaugušajiem.</p> <p>Biotīna deficīts var izraisīt šādus simptomus: nogurums, parestēzija (patoloģiska sajūta ādā ar tādiem simptomiem kā tirpšana, durstīšana, salšana, dedzināšana, nejutīgums), plānāki mati, matu izkrišana, dermatīts (ādas iekaisums, kas parasti izpaužas ar niezi un apsārtumu) ap acīm, degunu, muti, ausīm un cirkšņos, konjunktivīts (acu iekaisums, kas padara acis sārtas vai iesarkanas), nagu un matu augšanas traucējumi un pārmērīgs trauslums.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Āda, mati un nagi/Mati un galvas āda 0 For men Biotinum