BIOFARMACIJA Hydro Forte powder, 6 pcs.

BIOFARMACIJA Hydro Forte powder, 6 pcs.

2.40 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-17
Powder for the preparation of electrolyte solution with minerals and viable lyophilized lactic acid bacteria. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, diabetics. Suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
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Important information
Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

HYDRO FORTE – electrolyte solution for nutritional supplementation with minerals and viable freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria when the body has lost a lot of fluid.

NO CHEMICAL ADDITIVES! The nutritional supplement does not contain artificial sweeteners, colors, stabilizers, thickeners or emulsifiers.

The prefix "bio" in the name of the food supplement and the company is not related to the biological agricultural origin of the product, but indicates the bioavailability of the food supplement and its biochemical nature.

More about this product
123313 BIOFARMACIJA Hydro Forte pulveris, 6 gab. InStock 2.4 EUR BIOFARMACIJA 4.79 <p>HYDRO FORTE – elektrolītu šķīdums uztura papildināšanai ar minerālvielām un dzīvotspējīgām liofilizētām pienskābām baktērijām, kad organisms ir zaudējis daudz šķidruma.</p> <p>BEZ ĶĪMISKĀM PIEDEVĀM! Uztura bagātinātājs nesatur mākslīgos saldinātājus, krāsvielas, stabilizatorus, biezinātājus vai emulgatorus.</p> <p>Priedēklis “bio” uztura bagātinātāja un kompānijas nosaukumā nav saistīts ar produkta bioloģiski lauksaimniecisko izcelsmi, bet norāda uz uztura bagātinātāja biopieejamību un tā bioķīmisko raksturu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas 50 For men