CRESCINA Transdermic 200 Man ampoules, 20 pcs.
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CRESCINA Transdermic 200 Man ampoules, 20 pcs.

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Regular price: 134.99 €
Expiration date: 2029-10-31
Dermocosmetic preparation for external use to promote the physiological growth of hair. Concentration 200 – for the initial stage of hair loss.
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A dermocosmetic preparation that helps promote the physiological growth of hair.

Thanks to the Transdermal technology, the active Re-Growth substances and HFSC complexes can penetrate the hair system not only transfollicularly (through the follicle opening) but also through the scalp layers (ex vivo test with Franz Cells cell diffusion device), facilitated by their low molecular weight and the 3 added stimulants.

Swiss patent CH 711 466.

The product consists of Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (Stem-Engine to strengthen the hair shaft), New Hair Growth Stimulating Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1), 3 stimulants (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol).

1153048 CRESCINA Transdermic 200 Man ampulas, 20 gab. OutOfStock 40.5 EUR CRESCINA 134.99 <p>Dermokosmētisks preparāts, kas palīdz veicināt matu fizioloģisko augšanu.</p><p>Pateicoties Transdermālajai tehnoloģijai, aktīvās Re-Growth vielas un HFSC kompleksi var iekļūt caur matu sistēmu ne tikai transfolikulārā ceļā (pa folikulas atveri), bet arī caur galvas ādas slāņiem (ex vivo tests ar šūnu difūzijas iekārtu “Franz Cells”), ko veicina to mazais molekulārais svars un 3 pievienotie stimulatori.</p><p>Šveices patents CH 711 466.</p><p>Preparāta sastāvā ietilpst: Re-Growth komplekss matu augšanas atjaunošanai (cisteīns, lizīns, glikoproteīns), HFSC komplekss (Stem-Engine mata stiebra nostiprināšanai), jaunu matu augšanu veicinošais komplekss (metionīns, glicīns, vara tripeptīds-1), 3 stimulatori (pentilēnglikols, decilēnglikols, kaprilglikols).</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Pret matu izkrišanu 70 For men