DEFENDYL Imunoglukan P4H Junior liquid, 120 ml

DEFENDYL Imunoglukan P4H Junior liquid, 120 ml

Regular price: 23.99 €
14.39 €
23.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-10-31
Nutritional supplement in liquid form.
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Important information
Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior contains natural polysaccharide IMG® (beta-(1,3/1,6)-D-glucan) obtained from oyster mushrooms (Pleuratus ostreatus) and vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for the functioning of the immune system. Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior is also suitable for diabetic patients and vegetarians.

Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior does not contain gluten. Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior is intended for use by children from 3 years of age and adults who prefer a nutritional supplement in liquid form.

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1143985 DEFENDYL Imunoglukan P4H Junior šķidrums, 120 ml InStock 14.39 EUR DEFENDYL 23.99 <p>Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior satur dabīgu polisaharīdu IMG® (beta-(1,3/1,6)- D-glikānu), kas iegūts no austeru sēnēm (Pleuratus ostreatus) un C vitamīnu. C vitamīns ir nepieciešams imūnsistēmas darbībai. Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior ir piemērots arī diabēta pacientiem un veģetāriešiem. <br /><br />Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior nesatur glutēnu. Defendyl-Imunoglukan P4H® junior ir paredzēts lietošanai bērniem no 3 gadu vecuma un pieaugušajiem, kuri dod priekšroku uztura bagātinātājam šķidruma veidā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni/Imunitātei 40 For men