DSD DE LUXE Capixyl+Placenta Shock 3.4.4 lotion, 100 ml
4.6 4.6 (8 reviews)

DSD DE LUXE Capixyl+Placenta Shock 3.4.4 lotion, 100 ml

4.6 4.6 (8 reviews)
46.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-07-04
The hydrolyzed keratin in the lotion improves the structure of the hair, giving it a radiant shine and volume.
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CapixilTM Complex is composed of a patented tetrapeptide (acetyl tetrapeptide-3, composed of 4 amino acids) and a high concentration of biochanin A red clover extract, which strengthens and thickens hair. The lotion contains salicylic acid and resorcinol, this combination has a strong anti-seborrheic, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect. Placenta extracts have a direct stimulating and antiandrogenic effect. The hydrolyzed keratin in the lotion improves the structure of the hair, giving it a radiant shine and volume.

204178 DSD DE LUXE Capixyl+Placenta Shock 3.4.4 losjons, 100 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/dsd-de-luxe-capixyl-placenta-shock-3-4-4-lotion-100-ml-204178 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/e4/f8/7794a335aea3a7a483657bc759f0.png InStock 46.99 EUR DSD DE LUXE 46.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">CapixilTM komplekss sastāv no patentēta tetrapeptīda (Acetyl Tetrapeptide-3, kas sastāv no 4 aminoskābēm) un sarkanā āboliņa ekstrakta ar augstu Biochanin A koncentrāciju, kas matus stiprina un padara biezākus. Losjons satur salicilskābi, resorcinolu, šajā kombinācijā tiek nodrošināts izteikts anti-seborejisks, atlobošs un pretiekaisuma efekts. Placentārajam un Saw Palmetto ekstraktiem piemīt tieši stimulējoša un antiandrogēna iedarbība. Losjona sastāvā esošais hidrolizētais keratīns uzlabo mata struktūru, piešķir mirdzošu spīdumu un apjomu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 0 For women, For men