DSD DE LUXE Dixidox Forte 3.4 ampoules, 10 pcs.
4.8 4.8 (6 reviews)

DSD DE LUXE Dixidox Forte 3.4 ampoules, 10 pcs.

4.8 4.8 (6 reviews)
43.39 €
Expiration date: 2028-01-29
Hail anti-loss lotion in ampoules of 10 ml.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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Dixidox De Luxe Forte Lotion is designed to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Contains a complex of hair growth stimulants, which includes placenta extract, adenosine, caffeine, cayenne pepper, plant phytoestrogens, vitamins, zinc, iron, magnesium, silicon, inositol and sulfur-containing amino acids. Contains dwarf palm extract, a component that reliably blocks the activity of dihydrotestosterone (a hormone that is a common cause of hair loss). Has a vasodilating effect. The presence of panthenol in the lotion determines its positive effect on the hair structure, makes the hair silky and shiny. The lotion creates a long-lasting feeling of warmth and freshness.

204139 DSD DE LUXE Dixidox Forte 3.4 ampulas, 10 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/dsd-de-luxe-dixidox-forte-3-4-ampoules-10-pcs-204139 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/79/26/2fe8003839b49bcd63d16298d2b6.png InStock 43.39 EUR DSD DE LUXE 43.39 <p style="text-align:justify;">Dixidox De Luxe Forte Losjons ir paredzēts matu izkrišanas samazināšanai un matu augšanas veicināšanai. Tas satur matu augšanu veicinošu aktīvo vielu kompleksu, kura sastāvā ir placentas ekstrakts, adenozīns, kofeīns, kapsaicīns, fitoestrogēni, vitamīnus, cinks, dzelzs, magnēzijs, silīcijs, inozitols un sēru saturošas aminoskābes. Papildus tas satur Saw Palmetto ekstraktu – sastavdaļu, kas efektīvi bloķē dihidrotestosterona (hormons, kas bieži ir atbildīgs par matu izkrišanu) aktvitāti. Losjonam piemīt vazodilatējošs efekts. Pantenola klātbūtne produktā nodrošina pozitīvu ietekmi uz mata struktūru, padarot tos zīdainus un spīdošus. Losjons sniedz noturīgu siltuma un svaiguma sajūtu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 0 For women, For men