ESI Rigenforte Intensive Hair 10 ml lotion, 12 pcs.
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ESI Rigenforte Intensive Hair 10 ml lotion, 12 pcs.

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39.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-28
Rigenforte lotion is rich in nutrients, tonics and hair and hair root strengthening ingredients that have been studied to prevent temporary hair loss and premature thinning of the hair.
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Rigenforte lotion is rich in nutrients, tonics and hair and hair root strengthening ingredients that have been studied to prevent temporary hair loss and premature thinning of the hair.
Features and benefits of Rigenforte lotion urto:
Applying Rigenforte lotion and massaging the skin is actually a procedure with preventive hair lightening, promoting the physiological functions of the skin and its appendages. Makes hair pleasantly fragrant and clean, hair does not get greasy, does not weigh down and dries quickly, also suitable for sensitive scalp. A hypoallergenic product designed to reduce irritant effects. Allergen tests were performed at the Cosmetology Center of the University of Ferrara. Made in Italy.

1144244 ESI Rigenforte Intensive Hair 10 ml losjons, 12 gab. InStock 39.99 EUR ESI 39.99 <p>Rigenforte losjons ir bagāts ar uzturvielām, tonizējošiem līdzekļiem un matu un matu saknes stiprinošām sastāvdaļām, kas pētītas, lai novērstu īslaicīgu matu izkrišanu un priekšlaicīgu matu vājināšanos. <br /><em>Rigenforte losjona urto īpašības un priekšrocības:</em><br />Rigenforte losjona uzklāšana un ādas masāža faktiski ir procedūra ar profilaktisku matu izgaismošanu, veicinot ādas un tās pielikumu fizioloģiskās funkcijas. Padara matus patīkami smaržīgus un tīrus, mati netaukojas, nav noslogoti un ātri izžūst, piemērots arī jutīgai galvas ādai. Hipoalerģisks produkts, kas izstrādāts, lai samazinātu kairinošo iedarbību. Veikti alergēnu testi Ferrāras Universitātes Kosmetoloģijas centrā. Ražots Itālijā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 0 For women, For men