EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF 50+ Body Gel sunscreen, 200 ml
5.0 5 (3 reviews)

EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF 50+ Body Gel sunscreen, 200 ml

5.0 5 (3 reviews)
20.39 €
10.20 €/Ml
Regular price: 33.99 €
33.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-03-30
As pleasant to use as it is effective, this ultra-light gel cream sunscreen absorbs quickly leaving 0% residue and an immediate dry touch finish. Eucerin’s Advanced Spectral Technology offers high UVA/UVB protection and HEVIS light defense. The sunscreen also supports skin’s own DNA repair mechanism and its Oil Control technology, with mattifying pigments, leaves an immediate dry touch finish on skin.
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Eucerin® Oil Control gel sun cream for the body Dry Touch SPF 50+, is extremely resistant to water and sweat, very pleasant, non-greasy and non-sticky texture. After application, it does not leave any residue on the skin, and sand does not stick to it. Clinical and dermatological studies have confirmed the suitability of the cream for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. The cream contains a combination of broad-spectrum, photostable UVA / UVB filters and the powerful antioxidant licochalcone A, which neutralizes free radicals caused by the sun and high-energy visible light. The composition also contains glycyrrhetinic acid, which supports the skin's own DNA repair mechanisms, and Oil Control technology, which regulates sebum secretion, with matifying particles, instantly leaves the skin feeling dry. UV rays are the main cause of sun damage to the skin, but high-energy visible light (HEV) can also trigger the formation of skin-damaging free radicals. Therefore, modern sunscreens must protect against both UV rays and high-energy visible light. ¹Meets the high Cosmetics Europe UVA and UVB protection standards. The level of UVA protection is higher than the recommendations of the European Union.

10510167 EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF 50+ Ķermenim Gēlveida saules aizsarglīdzeklis, 200 ml InStock 33.99 EUR EUCERIN 33.99 <p style="font-weight:400;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; white-space-collapse: preserve;">UV stari ir saules izraisītu ādas bojājumu galvenais iemesls, taču arī augstas enerģijas redzamā (HEVIS) gaisma var rosināt brīvo radikāļu iedarbību, kas ādai izraisa papildu stresu. Eucerin Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF50+gēlveida saules aizsarglīodzeklis ir īpaši viegls, netaukains sauļošanās aizsarglīdzeklis ķermenim. Tas ir klīniski un dermatoloģiski pārbaudīts kā piemērots visiem ādas tipiem, tostarp jutīgai, taukainai ādai un ādai ar noslieci uz akni. Sauļošanās gēlveida aizsargkrēms piedāvā ļoti augstu UV aizsardzību, jo UVA un UVB filtri atbilst Cosmetics Europe izvirzītajiem augstajiem standartiem, un UVA aizsardzības līmeņi pārsniedz ES minimuma ieteikumu. Eucerin Progresīvā Spektrālā tehnoloģija, kas apvieno plaša spektra un fotostabilus UVA/UVB filtrus kombinācijā ar likohalkonu A, neitralizē UV un HEVIS gaismas ierosinātos brīvos radikāļus. Formula satur arī gliciretīnskābi, kas atbalsta pašas ādas DNS atjaunošanas mehānismu, un Oil Control tehnoloģija ar matējošiem pigmentiem, izveido pārklājumu ar tūlītēju sausa pieskāriena efektu uz ādas. Gēlveida saules aizsargkrēms Eucerin Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF 50+ ātri uzsūcas un neatstāj atlikumus uz ādas. Tas ir īpaši ūdensizturīgs, kā arī noturīgs pret sviedriem un smiltīm (smiltīm ir mazāka iespēja pielipt ādai). Turklāt tas tāpat kā visi Eucerin klāsta aizsarglīdzekļi pret sauli nesatur oktinoksātu un oksibenzonu – UV filtrus, kuri, kā zināms, kaitē koraļļu rifiem un atbilst Havaju rifu likumam.</span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sauļošanās kosmētika/Saules aizsarglīdzekļi 0 For women, For men