GENTLE DAY Regular Organic Cotton tampons, 18 pcs.
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GENTLE DAY Regular Organic Cotton tampons, 18 pcs.

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4.39 €
Expiration date: 2027-06-30
Hypoallergenic, GOTS-certified organic cotton GENTLE DAY® tampons with patented COTTONLOCK systems. Pastic-free - wrapped in paper.
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✔ Hypoallergenic. Help prevent the risk of irritation and allergies.

✔ Made with organic cotton, grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers.

✔ Patented Cottonlock system. The absorbent core is completely covered 360 º with a safety veil of organic cotton to avoid the detachment of fibers.

✔ Product certified organic by ICEA under the GOTS standard.

✔ Wrapped in recycled paper, the most environmentally friendly option.

✔ Vegan Product. Not tested on animals and no ingredients of animal origin have been used.

✔ Non-chlorine bleached.

1149496 GENTLE DAY Regular Organic Cotton tamponi, 18 gab. InStock 4.39 EUR GENTLE DAY 4.39 <p>✔ Hipoalerģiski - mazāks risks ādas kairinājumam un alerģijām.</p><p>✔ Izgatavoti no ekoloģiskas kokvilnas, audzētas bez pesticīdiem, herbicīdiem un ķīmiskajiem mēslojumiem. Nebalināti ar hloru.</p><p>✔ Patentēta Cottonlock sistēma. Pārklāti ar 360º aizsargājošu ekoloģiskas kokvilnas slāni, lai izvairītos no šķiedru atdalīšanās.</p><p>✔ Tamponi sertificēti saskaņā ar ICEA un GOTS standartiem.</p><p>✔ Iesaiņoti pārstrādātā papīrā.</p><p>✔ Vegānu produkts. Nav testēts uz dzīvniekiem un netiek izmantotas dzīvnieku izcelsmes sastāvdaļas.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Sievietēm/Tamponi 0 For women