HOLIKA HOLIKA Baby Silky Body Exfoliating mist, 300 ml
5.0 5 (6 reviews)

HOLIKA HOLIKA Baby Silky Body Exfoliating mist, 300 ml

5.0 5 (6 reviews)
15.74 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-29
Non-abrasive body exfoliating spray contains a complex of 7 naturally derived grain ingredients, which provide gentle, yet effective dead skin cell removal without irritating the skin.
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• Non-abrasive gentle exfoliant for the body

• Rolls dead skin and impurities on the surface of the skin

• Makes skin soft and smooth

• Suitable for all skin types

Non-abrasive body exfoliating spray contains a complex of 7 naturally derived grain ingredients, which provide gentle, yet effective dead skin cell removal without irritating the skin. While removing dirt, dead, and damaged skin cells, honey extract in the formula leaves skin smoother, much more moisturized and hydrated. After deeply exfoliating and eliminating impurities, skin becomes silky smooth, baby soft and ready for tan application or shaving. Complex of grain ingredients and some enzymes prevents ingrown hairs and boosts the rejuvenation process of the skin cells.

Body exfoliating spray does not dry out the skin nor makes your skin irritated. Stops skin from dehydration after cleansing the body and maintains nourishment and elasticity. Provides instant brightening and smoothing effect by evening out skin tone and texture after the first application.

The easy-to-use spray can be held at any angle to reach hard-to-reach areas of the body. It can be used to get rid of dead skin while doing manicure and pedicure, also when getting ready for a smooth shave. Suitable for all skin types.

Please do not use on the face, it is only meant to be used on the body!

1149109 HOLIKA HOLIKA Baby Silky Body Exfoliating izsmidzināms līdzeklis, 300 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/holika-holika-baby-silky-body-exf-spray-300ml-1149109 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/48/d5/36ba227d241922f6a306b938d86f.png InStock 15.74 EUR HOLIKA HOLIKA 20.99 <p>Neabrazīvais ķermeņa pīlinga sprejs satur 7 dabīgu graudu sastāvdaļu kompleksu, kas nodrošina maigu, bet efektīvu atmirušo ādas šūnu noņemšanu, nekairinot ādu. Noņemot netīrumus, atmirušās un bojātās ādas šūnas, sastāvā esošais medus ekstrakts padara ādu gludāku, mitrāku un barotu. Pēc dziļa pīlinga un netīrumu noņemšanas āda ir zīdaini maiga un gatava iedegumam vai skūšanai.</p><p>Graudu sastāvdaļu un enzīmu komplekss novērš matiņu ieaugšanu ādā un paātrina ādas šūnu atjaunošanās procesu. Pīlinga sprejs nesausina un nekairina ādu, novērš ādas dehidratāciju pēc attīrīšanas un uztur to barotu un elastīgu. Nodrošina tūlītēju izgaismojošu un izlīdzinošu efektu, izlīdzinot ādas toni un tekstūru jau pēc pirmās lietošanas reizes. To var izmantot arī, lai atbrīvotos no atmirušās ādas manikīra un pedikīra laikā. Piemērots visiem ādas tipiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana 25 For women, For men