ISISPHARMA Uveblock SPF50+ fluid, 40 ml
5.0 5 (3 reviews)

ISISPHARMA Uveblock SPF50+ fluid, 40 ml

5.0 5 (3 reviews)
19.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-11-30
Take care of your face and neck with UVEBLOCK® SPF 50+ Invisible Fluid ultra-high sun protection! It protects the skin from UVA, UVB and infrared radiation and stimulates the skin's own defence and repair mechanisms. The lightweight texture is ideal for normal to dry skin, including children from 3 years old and pregnant women.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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The product provides a very high degree of sun protection (SPF 50+) with a minimum content of ingredients and high tolerance. The various UVA/UVB sunscreens in the product are 100% mineral, which is especially beneficial for people whose skin is particularly sensitive or even intolerant to chemical sunscreens. Carefully selected ingredients provide broad-spectrum protection from short- and long-term sun rays - UVA and UVB. These are the main rays responsible for sunburn and premature skin aging.

Thanks to its carefully selected and minimal composition, as well as dermatological testing, UVEBLOCK® Mineral Cream SPF 50+ can be used by all family members. It spreads easily and has a velvety texture. Its advantage: it does not leave a temporary whiteness on the skin, as thicker creams with mineral filters often do. It lightly tones, evens out skin tone and eliminates minor imperfections, giving the skin a healthy, fresh complexion.

1147536 ISISPHARMA Uveblock SPF50+ fluīds, 40 ml InStock 19.99 EUR ISISPHARMA 19.99 <p style="">Līdzeklis nodrošina ļoti augstu saules aizsardzību (SPF 50+), ar ļoti minimālu sastāvdaļu formulu un augstu panesību. Dažādie UVA/UVB saules filtri šajā līdzeklī ir 100% minerālie, kas īpaši noderīgi cilvēkiem, kam āda ir sevišķi jutīga pret ķīmiskajiem aizsargfiltriem, vai pat nepanes tos. Rūpīgi izraudzītās sastāvdaļas nodrošina plaša spektra aizsardzību - gan no īsajiem, gan garajiem saules stariem - UVA un UVB. Šie stari ir galvenie, kas atbildīgi par ādas apdegšanu saulē un par priekšlaicīgu ādas novecošanos. Tā kā šī līdzekļa sastāvs ir ļoti rūpīgi izvēlēts un minimāls, un tā formula ir dermatoloģiski pārbaudīta, UVEBLOCK® SPF 50+ minerālo krēmu var lietot visi ģimenes locekļi. Tas viegli klājas, ir samtains. Tā pievienotā vērtība: tas neatstāj īslaicīgu baltumu uz ādas, ko nereti biezāki minerālo filtru krēmi dara. Krēms ir viegli tonēts, tas izlīdzina ādas toni un novērš smalkas nepilnības uz ādas, padarot ādas krāsu veselīgi svaigu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi 0 For women, For men