MIZON Collagen Power Firming eye cream, 25 ml
4.9 4.9 (14 reviews)

MIZON Collagen Power Firming eye cream, 25 ml

4.9 4.9 (14 reviews)
23.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-06-10
Cream for the skin around the eyes with a tightening effect.
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Cream for the skin around the eyes with a tightening effect, containing 42% marine collagen formula. Thanks to the high collagen composition, the cream strengthens the skin around the eyes, improves skin elasticity, smoothes visible wrinkles, reduces puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, tightens the skin, makes it elastic, moisturizes. The cream helps to strengthen the thin skin around the eyes and stimulates the synthesis of the skin's natural collagen, inhibiting the aging process.

10120561 MIZON Collagen Power Firming krēms ādai ap acīm, 25 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/mizon-collagen-power-firming-eye-cream-25-ml-10120561 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/0c/b6/07cd6907af9ea18745d60ebafe3c.png InStock 23.99 EUR MIZON 23.99 <p>Krēms ādai ap acīm ar savelkošu efektu, sastāvā 42 % jūras kolagēna formulas. Pateicoties augstajam kolagēna sastāvam, krēms stiprina ādu ap acīm, uzlabo ādas elastību, izlīdzina redzamās krunciņas, mazina pietūkumu un tumšos lokus ap acīm, savelk ādu, padara to elastīgu, mitrina. Krēms palīdz stiprināt plāno ādu ap acīm un stimulē ādas dabīgā kolagēna sintēzi, kavējot novecošanās procesus. </p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Ādas kopšana ap acīm 0 For women, For men