NEUROMULTIVIT N20 coated tablets, 20 pcs.
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NEUROMULTIVIT N20 coated tablets, 20 pcs.

Expiration date: 2026-07-31
Neuromultivit contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12, which are necessary for normal metabolism in nerve cells.
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Neuromultivit contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12, which are essential for the normal metabolism of nerve cells. Neuromultivitis is used for disorders of the nervous system associated with vitamin B deficiency. For example, for the treatment of the following neurological diseases: inflammatory and degenerative polyneuropathies of various origins; neuritis and neuralgia: spinal cord syndrome associated with degenerative changes; pain and stiffness due to inflammation of the nerve plexuses of the neck in the neck, shoulder girdle and arms; pain and stiffness in the lumbar region due to inflammation of the lumbar plexus; radiculitis; inflammation of one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve; scapula syndrome; inflammation and soreness of the intercostal nerves; paralysis of the facial muscles.

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114121 NEUROMULTIVIT N20 apvalkotās tabletes, 20 gab. OutOfStock 5.59 EUR NEUROMULTIVIT 5.59 <p style="text-align:justify;">Neuromultivit satur B1, B6 un B12 vitamīnus, kuri ir nepieciešami normālai vielmaiņai nervu šūnās. Neuromultivit lieto nervu sistēmas traucējumiem, kas saistīti ar B vitamīnu trūkumu. Piemēram, sekojošu neiroloģisku slimību ārstēšanai: dažādas izcelsmes iekaisuma un deģeneratīvas polineiropātijas; neirīti un neiralģijas: ar deģeneratīvām izmaiņām saistīts muguras smadzeņu saknīšu sindroms; sāpes un mazkustīgums kakla nervu pinuma iekaisuma dēļ kakla daļā, plecu joslā un rokās; sāpes un mazkustīgums jostas daļā jostas nervu pinuma iekaisuma dēļ; sēžas neirīts; trīszaru nerva viena vai vairāku zaru iekaisums; plecu- lāpstiņas sindroms; starpribu nervu iekaisums un sāpes; sejas muskuļu paralīze.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Slikta pašsajūta/Stress un bezmiegs 0 For men