NEWSHA Classic Heat Prot.Blowout spray, 200 ml
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NEWSHA Classic Heat Prot.Blowout spray, 200 ml

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Regular price: 27.99 €
18.19 €
27.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-01-30
Heat Protecting Blowout Spray is your everyday companion if you often style your hair with heat. With nourishing grape seed oil, the spray not only reliably protects your hair, but also prevents frizz without weighing it down.
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Heat Protecting Blowout Spray is your everyday companion if you often style your hair with heat. With nourishing grape seed oil, the spray not only reliably protects your hair, but also prevents frizz without weighing it down. The result is perfectly styled hair with a reliable hold, which gets a smooth finish as a bonus thanks to the nourishing properties of the heat protection. 

1152901 NEWSHA Classic Heat Prot.Blowout sprejs, 200 ml InStock 18.19 EUR NEWSHA 27.99 <p>Ja jūs bieži pakļaujiet matus karstuma iedarbībai, tos ieveidojot, siltuma aizsardzības sprejs - ir produkts, kas jums ir absolūti nepieciešams. Barojošā vīnogu kauliņu eļļa spreja formā ne tikai baro matus, bet arī novērš to spurošanos, tos nepārslogojot. Rezultāts ir ideāli ieveidoti mati ar fiksāciju, kurai varat uzticēties, kas piešķir matiem gludumu, pateicoties siltuma aizsardzības barojošajām īpašībām.&nbsp;</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Matu veidošanas un aizsarglīdzekļi 35 For women, For men