NOUGHTY Frizz Magic thermal protective hair serum, 75 ml
4.5 4.5 (2 reviews)

NOUGHTY Frizz Magic thermal protective hair serum, 75 ml

4.5 4.5 (2 reviews)
Regular price: 14.39 €
10.07 €
14.39 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-30
his hair smoothing, anti-frizz serum provides heat protection up to 220°C while building an internal frizz fighting barrier to improve manageability in wet or dry hair.
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Making the magic happen. This hair smoothing, anti-frizz serum provides heat protection up to 220°C while building an internal frizz fighting barrier to improve manageability in wet or dry hair. Perfect for all hair types, this serum is packed with marula oil and daikon extract to create pure hair magic.

Carefully curated natural ingredients assist in trapping moisture in the hair shaft, helping to reduce dryness, damage and breakage.

1143070 NOUGHTY Frizz Magic termiski aizsargājošs serums matiem, 75 ml InStock 10.07 EUR NOUGHTY 14.39 <p>Lai brīnumi notiek!</p> <p>Šis matus noguludinošais serums pret pūkošanos nodrošina karstuma aizsardzību līdz pat 220°C, vienlaikus veidojot iekšējo barjeru cīņai pret pūkošanos, lai mati būtu pakļāvīgi gan mitri, gan sausi. Šis serums ir lieliski piemērots visiem matu tipiem, tā sastāvā ir marulas eļļa un daikona ekstrakts, kas palīdz radīt brīnumus ar jūsu matiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 30 For women, For men