NOVEXPERT Vitamin C Booster serum, 30 ml

NOVEXPERT Vitamin C Booster serum, 30 ml
(2 reviews)
60.99 €
203.30 €/Ml
60.99 €
Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
How to enjoy all the benefits of vitamin C (anti-aging, anti-spot, radiance of the complexion...) every day and in all seasons? These needs require an expert care product: ultra-concentrated at 25%, stable and compatible with all skin types.
When tendency rhymes with deficiency. Modern life sometimes hides a few unpleasant surprises from us: pollution, smoking, stress ... which have the unfortunate habit of depleting our vitamin C reserves. Yet this vitamin is key for our skin. Here we like to call it the Swiss Army knife of beauty: antioxidant, pro-collagen, anti-spots...
So how do we make up for this vitamin C deficiency? The technical challenge in cosmetics is more complicated than it seems: vitamin C is not very stable. This is a major subject that has not failed to excite Novexpert research to offer you a real breakthrough.
1st breakthrough:find a truly stable vitamin C complex that is heat and light resistant.
2nd breakthrough: A physiologically tolerated formula that can be applied daily, all year round, and compatible with sun exposure (but does not protect against UV rays - no sunscreen).
3rd breakthrough:an ultra-concentrated dosage with 25% stabilized vitamin C complex.
Our Booster with Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant skincare product. It works to smooth the skin and helps instantly improve radiance. A must-have formula that delivers a daily dose of this key vitamin to guarantee your skin's beauty.
NOVEXPERT Vitamin C Booster serums, 30 ml
<p>NOVEXPERT Stipras koncentrācijas sejas serums ar C vitamīnu</p>
<p><strong>Intensīva ādas atdzīvināšanas programma, gaišāka, maigāka, gludāka āda!</strong><br />Sejas serums ir paredzēts lietošanai no 25 gadu vecuma visiem ādas tipiem, tas ir piemērots arī ļoti jutīgai ādai. Produktu var lietot gan vīrieši, gan sievietes. Serums ir paredzēts, lai atdzīvinātu novājinātu, mirdzumu zaudējušu sejas ādu, īpaši tādu kaitīgu faktoru dēļ kā smēķēšana, piesārņots gaiss, kā arī fotovecošanās ietekmē.<br /><br />Produktu izstrādājuši franču zinātnieki un ārsti, kas specializējas ādas novecošanā.<br />JAUNUMS - NOVECO LĒNI: vitamīns C tagad ir sejas ādas kopšanas līdzeklis!<br />Īpaša izturība: derīgs vairākus mēnešus pēc atvēršanas.</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi
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