PHARMA OIL Lemongrass Natural essential oil, 10 ml
5.0 5 (1 review)

PHARMA OIL Lemongrass Natural essential oil, 10 ml

5.0 5 (1 review)
Regular price: 6.99 €
4.19 €
6.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-06
Natural lemongrass essential oil.
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A native to warm and tropical regions, Lemongrass is a healing powerhouse. Traditionally used as a medicinal herb in Asia or found in fragrant Thai curries. Meet the therapeutic oil that is well-loved in spas all over the world. And for good reason. It has an exotic scent that’s herbal and citrusy, giving your mood the boost it needs.

You probably don’t need more reasons to love Lemongrass, but here’s two anyway. It’s incredibly soothing for achey muscles and a tried-and-tested expert at keeping insects (we’re looking at you, mosquitos) at bay.

Key Benefits:

  • Keeps bugs away
  • Eases muscle aches
  • Refreshes & uplifts moods
  • Improves digestive health
  • Relieves headaches & migraines
  • Promotes healing of wounds & bug bites
1145442 PHARMA OIL Lemongrass Natural ēteriskā eļļa, 10 ml InStock 4.19 EUR PHARMA OIL 6.99 <p>Aizveriet acis, ieelpojiet un izelpojiet. Laipni lūdzam Āzijas tropos, kur aug citronzāle ar neticamām īpašībām. Varbūt to jau pazīstat no Taizemes karija? Tās superspēju dēļ šī ēteriskā eļļa tiek plaši izmantota gan tradicionālajā medicīnā, gan modernajos SPA centros. Citronzāles eksotiskais aromāts atsvaidzina, uzlabo noskaņojumu un rada enerģiju. Turklāt arī palīdz atbaidīt kukaiņus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Bērnu ķermeņa kopšana/Eļļas 40 For men