PHARMACERIS T Sebostatic SPF 20 face cream, 50 ml
4.9 4.9 (8 reviews)

PHARMACERIS T Sebostatic SPF 20 face cream, 50 ml

4.9 4.9 (8 reviews)
16.79 €
33.58 €/Ml
Regular price: 23.99 €
23.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-08-31
For oily, combination skin prone to acne and acne. Reduces acne and protects against harmful UVA and UBA rays.
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For daily care of oily, combination skin prone to acne. The cream reduces the number of blackheads due to acne, pores and protects against the harmful effects of UVA and UBA rays. Thanks to the innovative formula Pore-Diminish, the cream effectively cleanses the pores, reduces their size. Anti-acne substances (tartaric acid and piroctone olamine) normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing their increased work. Citric acid gently cleanses the epidermis, softens and smoothes the skin. Effectively moisturizes and restores a healthy hydrolipid layer. It regenerates and gives the skin a mattifying effect. The light cream is quickly absorbed into the skin, does not clog pores. Does not contain parabens, allergens. Clinical and dermatological studies show efficacy on acne-affected skin: • 100% smoother skin • 100% hydration • 71% shrinks pores • 82% does not clog pores. There are no special indications for taking precautions Dermocosmetics for various skin problems. The Pharmaceris brand offers dermocosmetics products that are designed to solve various common skin problems. The brand's products are created by a team of experts who complement dermatological solutions with innovative ingredients, thus obtaining a formula for difficult-to-solve skin problems.

1162689 PHARMACERIS T Sebostatic SPF 20 sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 23.99 EUR PHARMACERIS 23.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Krēms ikdienas kopšanai taukainai, jaukta tipa ādai ar noslieci uz piņņu un pūtīšu veidošanos. Krēms mazina akne pūtītes, poras un pasargā no UVA un UBA staru iedarbības. Pateicoties inovatīvai Pore-Diminish formulai, krēms efektīvi attīra poras, samazina to izmēru. Anti-akne aģenti (tartarskābe un piroktona olamīns) normalizē tauku dziedzeru darbību, novēršot to pastiprinātu darbību. Citronskābe maigi attīra epidermu, mīkstina un izlīdzina ādu. Efektīvi mitrina un atjauno veselīgu hidro-lipīdo līdzsvaru. Tas reģenerē ādu un matē to. Vieglais krēms ātri iesūcas ādā, nenosprosto poras. Nesatur parabēnus, alergēnus. Klīniskie un dermatoloģiskie pētījumi liecina par efektivitāti uz aknes skartas ādas: 100 % padara ādu gludāku, 100 % mitrina, 71 % mazina ādas poras, 82 % neaizsprosto poras. Dermokosmētika dažādām ādas problēmām. Pharmaceris zīmols piedāvā dermokosmētikas produktus, kas paredzēti dažādu plaši sastopamu ādas problēmu risināšanai. Zīmola produktus rada ekspertu komanda, kas dermatoloģiskus risinājumus papildinot ar inovatīvām sastāvdaļām, spēj iegūt formulas dažādām grūti risināmām ādas problēmām.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 0 For women, For men