PULSAAR XL Adjustable Recovery Shoulder orthosis, 1 pcs.
PULSAAR XL Adjustable Recovery Shoulder orthosis, 1 pcs.
61.49 €
81.99 €
Regular price: 81.99 €
81.99 €
The Adjustable Recovery Shoulder Brace offers stability, compression and optimal support to recover from injuries such as frozen shoulder, dislocation, rotator cuff tears, sprains and more. Innovative fibers made from germanium and bamboo charcoal stimulate local blood circulation to relieve muscle soreness and joint pain.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
- Relieves joint pain
- Easily adjustable
- Breathable & lightweight
- Stimulates local blood circulation
The Adjustable Recovery Shoulder Brace offers stability, compression and optimal support to recover from injuries such as frozen shoulder, dislocation, rotator cuff tears, sprains and more. Innovative fibers made from germanium and bamboo charcoal stimulate local blood circulation to relieve muscle soreness and joint pain. The brace is easy to alter with elastic straps and a high-quality plastic buckle designed for adjusting it on the right or left shoulder and making it suitable for both men and women. The V-shape elastic straps stabilize the shoulder muscles and offer anti-fatigue support to the area. Thanks to a sleek design and breathable material, the brace can be easily hidden under clothing and worn comfortably throughout the day.
PULSAAR XL Pielāgojama Atlabšanu Veicinoša Pleca ortoze, 1 gab.
<ul><li>Atvieglo locītavu sāpes</li>
<li>Viegli pielāgojams</li>
<li>Elpojošs un viegls</li>
<li>Veicina lokālu asinsriti</li>
</ul><p>Pielāgojama ortoze pleca atjaunošanai piedāvā stabilitāti, kompresiju un optimālu atbalstu, lai atgūtos no tādām traumām kā pleca locītavas adhezīvais kapsulīts, izmežģījums, pleca grozītājmuskuļu plīsums, sastiepums un citas. No germānija un bambusa kokoglēm izgatavotās šķiedras stimulē lokālo asinsriti, lai mazinātu muskuļu sāpīgumu un sāpes locītavās. Šo ortozi ir viegli pielāgot ar elastīgām siksnām un augstas kvalitātes plastmasas sprādzi, kas izstrādāta regulēšanai uz labā vai kreisā pleca, padarot to piemērotu gan vīriešiem, gan sievietēm. V formas elastīgās siksnas stabilizē pleca muskuļus un nodrošina atbalstu noguruma mazināšanai. Pateicoties plānajam dizainam un elpojošajam materiālam, ortozi var viegli paslēpt zem apģērba un ērti valkāt visu dienu.</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Ortopēdiskās preces
For men