STENDERS Ginger&Lemon Sugar Body scrub, 230 g
4.9 4.9 (8 reviews)

STENDERS Ginger&Lemon Sugar Body scrub, 230 g

4.9 4.9 (8 reviews)
Regular price: 17.50 €
12.25 €
17.50 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-30
Time for me-time, to embrace the Northern wilderness in you.
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Nature-given remedy for all the senses in a toning sugar body scrub, enriched with a spicy combo of ginger and lemon, well-known for its immunity-boosting benefits. Filled with detoxifying lemon essential oil, warming ginger and pepper extracts to provide stimulation. Mineral-rich kumquat extract boosts energy, enhancing youthfulness and elasticity of your skin, while the sugar crystals give a pleasant massage effect, leaving your skin velvety smooth. Naturally sweet and uplifting aroma gives a spicy and refreshing twist for your body and spirit. 

10510605 STENDERS Ingvera & Citrona Cukura skrubis, 230 g InStock 12.25 EUR STENDERS 17.5 <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Tonizējošs ķermeņa skrubis </strong>ar pikanto<strong> ingveru un citronu</strong>, kas ir pazīstami ar imunitāti veicinošām īpašībām, tavas ādas mundrumam. Bagātināts ar <strong>attīrošo citrona ēterisko eļļu</strong>, <strong>ingvera un piparu ekstraktiem</strong>, kas sniedz <strong>sildošu efektu</strong>, veicinot ādas stimulāciju. Minerāliem bagātais <strong>kumkvata ekstrakts</strong> dod enerģiju, palīdzot ādai saglabāt tās <strong>elastību </strong>un <strong>jaunību</strong>. Svaigums un pikantums savijas saldā aromātā, apņemot ķermeni, kamēr <strong>dabīgie skrubenti</strong> sniedz patīkamu<strong> pīlinga efektu</strong>, padarot ādu zīdaini maigu.<br /><br /></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana 30 For women