TEPE Daily Baby 0-2 toothpaste, 50 ml
TEPE Daily Baby 0-2 toothpaste, 50 ml
4.47 €
6.99 €
8.94 €/Ml
Regular price: 6.99 €
4.47 €
6.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-28
TePe Daily Baby™ Toothpaste is a gentle toddler toothpaste with fluoride made with a few and carefully selected ingredients. It’s a toothpaste without taste or colouring agents made specifically for kids between 0-2 years of age. This toothpaste for babies is foam free, which makes for an easier brushing routine.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
TePe Daily Baby™ Toothpaste is a gentle everyday toothpaste for toddlers. The toothpaste contains the recommended, age-appropriate fluoride level for babies to help prevent cavities. The toothpaste is SLS free, vegan, and made with carefully selected ingredients, developed in cooperation with dental experts. The TePe Daily Baby™ Toothpaste is a toothpaste without taste or colouring agents. A gentle protection from the first tooth, for kids from the age of 0-2.
TEPE Daily Baby Bērniem 0-2 zobu pasta, 50 ml
<p>TePe Daily Baby™ zobu pasta ir maiga ikdienas zobu pasta zīdaiņiem. Zobu pasta satur vecumam atbilstošu fluora daudzumu, kas ieteicams bērniem, lai palīdzētu novērst kariesa veidošanos. Zobu pasta nesatur SLS, ir vegāna un izgatavota no rūpīgi atlasītām sastāvdaļām, kas izstrādātas sadarbībā ar zobārstiem. TePe Daily Baby™ zobu pasta ir bez garšas, bez krāsvielām. Maiga aizsardzība jau no pirmā zobiņa bērniem no 0 līdz 2 gadiem.</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Zobu pastas