VEDA LAB Strepa’lert group A B-haemolytic streptococcal bacteria, Self-diagnosis test strips, 1 pcs.
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VEDA LAB Strepa’lert group A B-haemolytic streptococcal bacteria, Self-diagnosis test strips, 1 pcs.

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14.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-01-31
STREPA'LERT Self-diagnosis test strips for the detection of group A B-haemolytic streptococcal bacteria in throat infections.
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Throat infection with group A B-haemolytic streptococcus (also known as Streptococcus pyogenes) is the most common bacterial cause of acute pharyngitis, and can also cause some skin infections such as impetigo and erysipelas. Viral infections cause most sore throats. In such cases, antibiotics are ineffective and the infection resolves on its own. Although Strep A throat infections can sometimes resolve within a few days without treatment, doctors prescribe antibiotics to prevent associated complications, which can be serious, such as rheumatic fever or acute glomerulonephritis.
STREPA'LERT® is a specific immunological test for the detection of group A streptococcus bacteria in throat infections. It helps to quickly find out whether a sore throat is caused by streptococcus type A or other micro-organisms (usually viruses) that do not require antibiotics.

1145815 VEDA LAB Strepa’lert A grupas B-hemolītisko streptokoku baktēriju, pašnoteikšanas testa strēmeles, 1 gab. InStock 14.99 EUR VEDA LAB 14.99 <p>A-grupas B-hemolītiskā streptokoka (pazīstams arī kā Streptococcus pyogenes) rīkles infekcija ir visbiežāk sastopamais bakteriālais cēlonis akūtam faringītam, tas var izraisīt arī dažas ādas infekcijas, piemēram, impetigo un erizipelasu. Lielāko daļu kakla sāpju izraisa vīrusu infekcijas. Šādos gadījumos antibiotiku lietošana ir neefektīva, un infekcija izzūd pati no sevis. Lai gan Strep A rīkles infekcijas dažkārt var izzust dažu dienu laikā bez ārstēšanas, ārsti izraksta antibiotikas, lai novērstu ar tām saistītas komplikācijas, kas var būt nopietnas, piemēram, reimatisko drudzi vai akūtu glomerulonefrītu.<br />STREPA'LERT® ir specifisks imunoloģisks tests A grupas streptokoka baktēriju noteikšanai rīkles infekcijas gadījumā. Tas palīdz ātri noskaidrot, vai kakla sāpes ir izraisījusi A tipa streptokoka baktērija vai citi mikroorganismi (parasti vīrusi), kuru ārstēšanai nav nepieciešama antibiotiku lietošana.</p> <p><img src="/upload/content/veda-strepalert-lv-06-2023-l.jpg" alt="" width="864" height="1223" /></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Medicīniskās ierīces/Teststrēmeles 0