VESELĪBAS PIRAMĪDA Selenium & Zinc capsules, 60 pcs.

VESELĪBAS PIRAMĪDA Selenium & Zinc capsules, 60 pcs.

Regular price: 14.99 €
10.49 €
14.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-12-31
Nutritional supplement: for immune system, bones, hair, skin, nails, vision.
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Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Nutritional supplement:  For the immune system, bones, hair, skin, nails, vision


  1. Selenium and zinc contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.
  2. Selenium and zinc help maintain healthy hair and nails, while zinc also helps maintain healthy bones and skin.
  3. Zinc helps maintain normal vision.
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1144913 VESELĪBAS PIRAMĪDA Selēns & Cinks kapsulas, 60 gab. InStock 10.49 EUR VESELĪBAS PIRAMĪDA 14.99 <p>Uztura bagātinātājs:  Imūnsistēmai<sup>1 </sup>kauliem, matiem, ādai, nagiem<sup>2</sup>, redzei<sup>3</sup></p> <p><strong>Iedarbība</strong>:</p> <p><sup>1</sup>Selēns un cinks veicina normālu <strong>imūnsistēmas darbību</strong>.</p> <p><sup>2</sup>Selēns un cinks palīdz uzturēt <strong>matu</strong> un <strong>nagu veselību</strong>, savukārt cinks palīdz uzturēt arī <strong>kaulu</strong> un <strong>ādas veselību</strong>.</p> <p><sup>3</sup>Cinks palīdz uzturēt <strong>normālu redzi</strong>.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni/Imunitātei 30 For women, For men