VICTORIA BEAUTY Collagen eye mask, 30 pcs.
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VICTORIA BEAUTY Collagen eye mask, 30 pcs.

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Regular price: 6.39 €
4.47 €
6.39 €
Expiration date: 2027-11-30
The Victoria Beauty Collagen Mask is specially designed to restore freshness and radiance to the eye area.
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The Victoria Beauty Collagen Mask is specially designed to restore freshness and radiance to the eye area. The secret to reducing dark circles and puffiness lies in the abundance of natural ingredients included in the formula. Tea tree extract, vitamin E and rose water soothe and tone the skin, reduce dark circles and puffiness. Collagen improves skin texture, maintains its firmness and elasticity. In general, the mask rejuvenates the skin and improves its tone, giving it a healthy, fresh glow.

1001533 VICTORIA BEAUTY Collagen maska ādai ap acīm, 30 gab. InStock 4.47 EUR VICTORIA BEAUTY 6.39 <p>Victoria Beauty Collagen Mask ir īpaši izstrādāta, lai atjaunotu svaigumu un mirdzumu acu zonā. Tumšo loku un pietūkuma samazināšanas noslēpums slēpjas sastāvā iekļauto dabisko sastāvdaļu pārpilnībā. Tējas koka ekstrakts, E vitamīns un rožūdens nomierina un tonizē ādu, samazina tumšos lokus un pietūkumu. Kolagēns uzlabo ādas struktūru, saglabā tās tvirtumu un elastību. Kopumā maska ​​atjauno ādu un uzlabo tās tonusu, piešķirot tai veselīgu, svaigu mirdzumu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Ādas kopšana ap acīm 30 For women