BIOFARMACIJA Glucosamine Marine 1500 mg powder, 60 pcs.

BIOFARMACIJA Glucosamine Marine 1500 mg powder, 60 pcs.

29.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-06-30
This product contains natural marine glucosamine!
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Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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This product contains natural marine glucosamine! 1 sachet contains 1500 mg of glucosamine sulphate. GLUCOSAMINE 1500 mg MARINE does not contain chemical additives, preservatives or other excipients, so the taste is neutral. Glucosamine is found in all tissues in humans, but in high concentrations it is found in articular cartilage. Calcium is needed for bone health to maintain dental health. Calcium helps maintain normal muscle function.

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19111584 BIOFARMACIJA Glucosamine Marine 1500 mg pulveris, 60 gab. InStock 29.99 EUR BIOFARMACIJA 29.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Šis produkts satur dabisku jūras izcelsmes glikozamīnu! 1 paciņa satur 1500 mg glikozamīna sulfāta. GLUCOSAMINE 1500 mg MARINE nesatur ķīmiskas piedevas, konservantus vai citas palīgvielas, tādēļ garša ir neitrāla. Glikozamīns cilvēkam ir atrodams visos audos, bet augstā koncentrācijā tas ir sastopams locītavu skrimšļos. Kalcijs ir nepieciešams kaulu veselības uzturēšanai, lai uzturētu zobu veselību. Kalcijs palīdz nodrošināt normālu muskuļu darbību.<br /><br /></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Ķermenis, locītavas, kauli 0 For men