LA ROCHE-POSAY Effaclar DUO (+) SPF30 Anti-Imperfection face cream, 40 ml

LA ROCHE-POSAY Effaclar DUO (+) SPF30 Anti-Imperfection face cream, 40 ml

4.7 4.7 (7 reviews)
18.19 €
Expiration date: 2027-06-30
A spot treatment that corrects and hydrates skin for clearer skin in 4 weeks. Now with broad spectrum protection against UVA, UVB and pollution.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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Specifically formulated for oily, blemish and acne-prone skin in adults and teenagers. A dual action daily gel moisturiser that reduces the appearance of spots and blackheads, controls shine and helps to reduce inflammation in order to prevent red and brown coloured marks that are often left by spots. Provides immediate protection from UVA and UVB rays. Helps protect the skin from the effects of pollution and infrared that can damage skin over time. Hydrates skin for 24 hours. Clearer skin in 4 weeks. Suitable for even sensitive skin.

Anti-blemish treatment that corrects and hydrates oily, blemish and acne-prone skin. Visibly reduces spots, controls shine and helps to reduce the appearance of marks Now with broad spectrum UV protection.


Enriched with LHA to micro-exfoliate the skin, unclog blocked pores and reduce the appearance of scarring. Also contains niacinamide to help redness and size of spots, as well as soothe discomfort caused by spots. Enriched with [ACTIVE SHIELD XL PROTECT] with SPF 30, PPD (UVA protection) and Carnosine, an anti-oxidant, that helps prevent damage caused by pollution.


Effaclar has been through rigorous dermatological testing to ensure it is suitable for use on even the most sensitive skin. 9/10 dermatologists would recommend La Roche-Posay Effaclar for oily, blemish-prone skin.*


The minimalist formula contains the best of our creations – designed for sensitive skin and all of its needs. Tested and re-tested for its efficacy and mildness on sensitive skin. It is also hypoallergenic.

This is a cosmetic product. For medical conditions seek advice from your GP

1129540 LA ROCHE-POSAY Effaclar DUO (+) SPF30 Anti-Imperfection sejas krēms, 40 ml InStock 18.19 EUR LA ROCHE-POSAY 25.99 <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>ĪPAŠI PAREDZĒTS:</strong></p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Īpaši izstrādāts taukainai, problemātiskai un ar pinnēm pakļautai pieaugušo un pusaudžu ādai. Divas iedarbības ikdienas mitrinošs gēls, kas samazina pigmentācijas un melno punktu parādīšanos, kontrolē spīdumu un palīdz mazināt iekaisumu, lai novērstu sarkanus un brūnus plankumus, kas bieži ilgi saglabājas. Nodrošina tūlītēju aizsardzību pret UVA un UVB stariem. Palīdz aizsargāt ādu no piesārņojuma un infrasarkanā starojuma ietekmes, kas laika gaitā var bojāt ādu. Mitrina ādu 24 stundas. Tīra āda 4 nedēļu laikā. Piemērots pat jutīgai ādai.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Procedūra pret pigmentāciju, kas koriģē un mitrina taukainu, problemātisku un pinnēm pakļautu ādu. Acīmredzami samazina pigmentācijas plankumus, kontrolē spīdumu un palīdz samazināt plankumu parādīšanos. Tagad ar plaša spektra UV aizsardzību.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>AKTĪVS</strong></p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Bagātināts ar LHA ādas mikropīlingam, kas atbrīvo aizsprostotās poras un samazina rētas. Satur arī niacinamīdu, kas samazina pigmentācijas plankumu apsārtumu un izmēru, kā arī mazina to radīto diskomfortu. Bagātināts ar [ACTIVE SHIELD XL PROTECT] ar SPF 30, PPD (UVA aizsardzība) un karnozīnu, antioksidantu, kas palīdz novērst piesārņojuma radītos bojājumus.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>DERMATOLOĢISKI PĀRBAUDTS</strong></p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Effaclar ir izgājis stingras dermatoloģiskas pārbaudes, lai nodrošinātu, ka tas ir piemērots lietošanai pat visjutīgākajai ādai. 9 no 10 dermatologiem ieteiktu La Roche-Posay Effaclar taukainai ādai, kurai ir tendence uz izsitumiem*.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>MINIMĀLĀ HIPOALERĢĒNISKĀ FORMULA</strong></p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Minimālā formula satur labāko no mūsu darbiem, kas paredzēti jutīgai ādai un visām tās vajadzībām. Pārbaudīts uz jutīgas ādas. Hipoalerģisks.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sauļošanās kosmētika/Kosmētika ar SPF 30 For women, For men