NOMEX 1 mg/ml nasal drops, 10 ml
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NOMEX 1 mg/ml nasal drops, 10 ml

2.70 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-31
The active ingredient, xylometazoline, is a sympathomimetic imidazoline derivative.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The active ingredient, xylometazoline, is a sympathomimetic imidazoline derivative (mainly stimulates α-adrenergic receptors). It constricts the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa and throat, reducing congestion, edema and exudation. The medicine restores the permeability of the nasal passages, and also frees the passages connecting the nasal cavity with the paranasal sinuses, reduces rhinorrhea and makes breathing easier through the nose. The onset of action occurs 5-10 minutes after ingestion and lasts several hours (up to 10 hours).

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • Nasal congestion caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa during acute rhinitis (such as a cold or flu).
  • Paranasal sinusitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever).
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1142312 NOMEX 1 mg/ml deguna pilieni, 10 ml InStock 2.7 EUR NOMEX 2.7 <p style="text-align:justify;">Zāļu aktīvā viela ksilometazolīns ir imidazolīna atvasinājums ar simpatomimētisku iedarbību (tas stimulē galvenokārt α-adrenoreceptorus). Tas sašaurina deguna un rīkles gļotādas asinsvadus, samazinot hiperēmiju, tūsku un eksudāciju. Zāles atjauno deguna eju caurlaidību, kā arī atbrīvo ejas, kas savieno deguna dobumu ar deguna blakusdobumiem, samazina rinoreju un atvieglo elpošanu caur degunu. Zāļu iedarbība sākas 5-10 minūtes pēc lietošanas un turpinās dažas stundas (līdz pat 10 stundām).</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Zāles lieto šādos gadījumos:</p> <ul><li style="text-align:justify;">Aizlikts deguns, ko izraisa deguna gļotādas pietūkums akūta rinīta laikā (piemēram, saaukstēšanās vai gripas gadījumā).</li> <li style="text-align:justify;">Paranazāls sinusīts.</li> <li style="text-align:justify;">Alerģisks rinīts (siena drudzis).</li> </ul> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Slikta pašsajūta/Alerģija 0 Xylometazolini hydrochloridum