VERSAN Shots bottles, 20 pcs.
VERSAN SHOTS - SPECIALLY DESIGNED SHAPE FOR JOINTS. A great tasting joint support fluid, taken once a day. VERSAN SHOTS supplements the diet with nutrients: collagen, chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and D3. Joints are one of the most important organs for movement, providing the function of movement with the required amplitude and flexibility. Like other organs and tissues, joints constantly destroy old tissue and form new tissue. With age, the destruction of cartilage tissue inevitably accelerates compared to the formation of new cartilage tissue. The balance between the formation and the emergence of new extracellular material is influenced not only by age, but also by overload of joints, lack of movement, genetic factors, lack of essential substances and many other conditions. It is important to take care of your joints by balancing work and rest, doing appropriate exercises and, of course, providing your joints with nutrients.